Would you survive a loss of your IT system and data?

Having been a small business owner and having worked as a cybersecurity assessor for a couple of decades, my focus for small/medium business is continuity and survival.  Even businesses with a cybersecurity staff can suffer a major disruption if they miss something.  We can conduct a review of how to best survive/recover from cyberattacks and train your employees to keep from taking your entire business offline, all at a reasonable cost.

Services Include:

Assessments:  Using the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) small and medium business security categories (see back), we can assist with assessing your operations for best practices, survivability, and information security.

Training:  Employee Cybersecurity Awareness Training.  Most incidents concerning malware or ransomware begin with a single mouse click from an employee.  In-person or remote annual cybersecurity awareness training can provide enhanced knowledge and awareness for your employees to help prevent a potentially very costly incident.

IT Consulting:  System policies, procedures, updates, backup, upgrades; what is important to your operations and what you should focus on to ensure survivable operations.

Digital Forensics:  Using your drive or disk image, we can process it for intellectual property loss or other criminal activity.

Data Recovery:  In the case of inadvertently deleted files or a disk drive crash, we may be able to help by recovering whatever files remain on the drive.  There is no guarantee, but some of the files may still be there, or at least a portion of them.

Incident Response Consulting:  If you have had an intrusion or even suspect that you have had an intrusion, give us a call, and we can recommend your next steps.

Planning:  We can help you to develop and implement a cybersecurity plan tailored to the information you process and its sensitivity.

Contact us at secure@cyberdef.biz or 202-207-4559 for a free consultation and cost estimate.